- 0484-2911202 , 88913 80333
- rajagirips@gmail.com
Mandatory Disclosure
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1) Name of the School with address (Strictly as per Affiliation sanction letter or as permitted by the Board ) with Pin code no.
E-mail: rajagirips@gmail.com
Phone number: 0484-2911202, 2911230
2) Year if establishment of school
3) Whether NOC from State / UT or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained?
(i) NOC No. No. 6398/N3/93/ G.Edn.
(ii) NOC issuing date 22.2.1995
4) Is the school is recognized, if yes by which Authority
5) Status of affiliation : Provisional
(i) Affiliation No. 930136
(ii) Affiliation with the Board since 1996
(iii) Extension of affiliation upto 31.3.2030
6) Name of Trust / Society / Company Rajagiri Educational and Charitable Trust
Rajagiri Education and Charitable Society
Registered under section 25 of the company Act, 1956. Permanent Registration
7) List of members of school managing committee with their address/ tenure and post held

8) Name and official address of the Manager / President / Chairman / Manager
S.H. Provincial House,
Rajagiri P O,,Kalamassery.
(i) Mobile :9886811170
(ii) Pho. No. 4842911144
(iii) Fax No.
9) Area of school campus
(i) In acres : 8 Acres 35 cents
(ii) In sq mtrs: 33791.25
(iii) Built up area (sq mtrs): 17200
(iv) Area of playground in sq mtrs : 12140.6
(v) Other facilities
a) Swimming pool : Yes
b) Indoor Games : Yes
c) Dance Rooms : Yes
d) Gymnasium : YES
e) Music Rooms : Yes
f) Hostels : No
g) Health and Medical check Up : Yes
10) Details of fee structure.
(i) Pre-nursery : Tuition fee : Rs 3450/- pm Maintenance Fee : Rs. 750/- pm
(ii) Nursery Tuition fee : Rs 3750/- pm Maintenance Fee : Rs. 825/- pm
(iii) I-V Tuition fee : Rs 3760/- pm Maintenance Fee : Rs. 1260/- pm Other Fees : 1075 (swimming, optional & robotic fee )
(iv) VI–VIII Tuition fee: Rs 3760/- pm Maintenance Fee: Rs.1260/- pm Other Fees:505/- (optional & robotic fee )
(v) IX & X Tuition fee: Rs 3760/- pm Maintenance Fee: Rs.1260/- pm
(vi) XI & XII Tuition fee : Rs 15745/- (for Three Months)
11) Transport Facility
(i) Own Buses : Yes
(ii) Buses hired on contract basis : NO
(iii) Details of transport charges : 14000 / 16100 /17300/ 18300 / Yearly
12) Particulars of teaching staff (to be updated time to time)
Name /Designation /Date of Birth/ Date of appointment /Trained / Untrained Probation / Confirmed /Adhoc / Part Time
13) Details of salary being paid by the school to teaching staff / non-teaching staff (to be updated time to time)
Designation PGT/TGT Scale of pay Grade Pay % of DA HRA EPF contribution
14) Mode of payment of salary
(i) Name of the Bank through which salary is drawing : Federal Bank
(ii) Through single cheque transfer advice : Yes
(iii) Individual cheque : No
(iv) Cash : No
15) Library facilities
(i) Size of the library in sq. Meter : 324.92
(ii) No. of periodicals: 20
(iii) No. of Dailies:4
(iv) No. of reference blocks class wise:3000.
(v) No. of magazine
(VI) Total Number of Book : 18000
(vi) Others:200
16) Name of the Grievance / redressal officer with E-mail , Ph Fax No.
17) Members of sexual Harassment committee
Sl. No. Name of the member Designation
1. Mrs. Ruby Antony Principal
2 Mrs. Viji Varghese Koikara Head mistress
3 Mrs. Saniya Sebastian Teacher (Female)
4. Mrs. Emil Sara Kuriakose Teacher (Female)
5 Mr. Joemon M X Teacher (Male)
6 Mr. Joby Jacob Jose Parent (Male)
7 Mrs. CA Reena Joseph Parent(Female)
18) Section wise enrolment of school of the Current session
19) Academic session period
20) Vacation period
April -May
21) Admission period
February – March (1-8) September (KG)